September 15, 2024
Gospel Reading
Mark 8:27-35
Peter declares that Jesus is the Christ, and Jesus teaches that those who would follow him must take up his or her cross.
Now that the disciples have acknowledged Jesus as the Christ, Jesus confides in them the outcome of his ministry: he will be rejected, must suffer and die, and will rise after three days. Peter rejects this prediction, and Jesus rebukes him severely. The image of Christ that Jesus is giving is not the image of the Messiah that Peter was expecting. Jesus then teaches the crowd and the disciples about the path of discipleship: To be Chris’s disciple is to follow in the way of the cross.
Read the September 15, 2024 HERE
Mass Times
Our Lady of Fatima
- Saturday 5PM
- Sunday 10:30AM
- NEW Weekday Schedule: Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri. 8:30 AM; Wed 5:30PM
Immaculate Conception
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Our Lady of Fatima
- Every Sat: 4:00 - 4:45PM or by appointment