February 9, 2025


Gospel Reading
Luke 5:1-11
The fishermen (Simon, James, and John) leave their fishing boats and follow Jesus

Jesus gives Simon a new job, telling him that he will become a different kind of fisherman. No longer will he catch fish; instead he will catch people. In these words, we hear the beginning of the leadership role that Peter will have within the community of disciples. Peter was chosen for this role. His task will be to bring others to Jesus. Already he is doing so; the Gospel tells us that all the fishermen with Peter also left their nets and followed Jesus.

Read  Flocknote of February 9, 2025  HERE 

Mass Times

Our Lady of Fatima

  • Saturday 5PM
  • Sunday 10:30AM
  • NEW Weekday Schedule: Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri.  8:30 AM; Wed  5:30PM

Immaculate Conception

  • Sunday 8:30AM

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Our Lady of Fatima

  • Every Sat: 4:00 - 4:45PM or by appointment
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