Almighty God, the Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ, has freed you from sin, given you new birth by water and the Holy Spirit, and joined you to his holy people. He now anoints you with the Chrism of salvation, so that you may remain as a member of Christ, Priest, Prophet and King, unto eternal life.
Life Giving Water
Baptism is the first of the Sacraments of Initiation. This sacrament frees us from original sin through God’s sanctifying grace. Through the waters of Baptism, the Holy Spirit seals us as belonging to Christ. Baptism is the foundation of communion among all Christians.
Parents seeking baptism for their child should contact the parish office, 603 526-4484 or email parishoffice@olfic.org, at least one month before the anticipated date of Baptism.
The preferred time of Baptism is during Sunday Liturgy (but ordinarily not during Advent and Lent.)
After the initial meeting with the pastor, parents receive special instruction to broaden and deepen their understanding of the sacrament and to prepare them for their continuing role as Christian parents. This meeting lasts about 90 minutes and is an opportunity to extend both support and welcome for parents of a first child or parents who are new to the parish.
If you are an adult and have not yet been baptized, please see the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults for more information about becoming a Catholic.